Sacred Geometry Oracle Reading

Look at our universe and you will find sacred geometry everywhere. It may be known as the “Language of Light”, “Blueprint for all Creation” or “Harmonic Configuration of the Soul”, but it is mostly known as a secret language and key to innerstanding the way the universe (including us) is designed.

I offer multiple spreads for this deck. If you would prefer a spread not listed here, let me know and we will find a spread that best fits you.

1 Card Reading- $15

Choose a 1 card draw to find an answer you seek within yourself or to see which sacred geometry energy is calling out to you. Learn what message the universe trying to give you.

Synergy Spread

Synergy Spread Reading (3 Cards)- $30

Combine the viewpoint from the left side and the right side of your brain to find your synergy. Bring balance to your thoughts and develop insight to benefit your situation.

Earth in Balance Spread

Earth in Balance Spread ( 4 Cards) -$35

This spread articulates your desire for balance with our earth and your own well-being and happiness.

1st card- Represents This Moment in Earths Story (where you stand today)

2nd Card- Call to Action (how you might act to bring balance)

3rd Card- Sustainability (your intent to provide the best outcome for yourself and nature now and into the future)

4th Card- Hope for the Future (how you may participate in the vision of Earth in Balance)

Conscious Choice Spread

Conscious Choice Spread (5 Cards)- $40.00

The focus of this spread is to enhance the ability to make up your mind, fully live in the present, and embrace your future with confidence and courage. This spread is great for developing your capacity to innerstand how the choices you make when you are more mindful and attentive are more lucid and unmistakable.

1st Card- Change is inevitable (ask how you may be guided as you contemplate choices)

2nd Card- Mindful Examination (are you considering how this choice will affect loved ones and your own well-being)

3rd Card- Choice from Within (ask your inner guidance to help with the decision making process- what advice emanates from your core)

4th Card- Support Systems and External Factors (how you may engage the support of others in helping facilitate your choice and offering a hand what your choice manifests)

5th Card- Conscious Choice (message of confirmation/ confidently & consciously choose)

Evolving the Dream Spread

Evolving the Dream Spread (6 cards)- $45.00

This spread suggests the star tetrahedron to set your vision in motion and acts as a vehicle to help you visualize the aspects and their positive outcome.

The Upward Facing Tetrahedron represents:

1- Inspiration (the spark the ignites your vision be it grand or humble)

2- Guidance (to better assist your innerstanding of the course needed and to move forward with your vision you have agreed to embrace)

3- Action/Resolve to Act (your vision requires a plan. What action will help get things moving)

Downward Facing Tetrahedron

4- Intuition (listen to your intuition, what is it offering)

5- Nurture your Vision (Manifestation takes time, as you nurture your dreams, you support the realization of your purpose)

6- Manifestation (what will it take to bring it all together)

Seed of Life Spread

Seed of Life Spread (7 Cards)- $55

The Seed of Life is one of the most powerful patterns for observing the growth of projects, business, and all manners of relationships. It speaks of seeding new ideas and expansion of new energy. It may also be helpful with innerstanding and processing challenges once a project or relationship is in progress.

The Seed of Life is represented by 6 circles around a center circle. It is one of the glyphs associated with the Flower of Life.

1st Card (center)- Seed (the object of your inquiry)

2nd Card- Germination (what will it take to germinate your creative ideas/relationship)

3rd Card- Growth (indicates movement toward your evolving vision)

4th Card- Challenge (what truth must you face head-on)

5th Card- Flowering (how will your efforts flower)

6th Card- Strength (how you may encourage the strength of others)

7th Card- Fruit (how the seed you are planting will develop and bear fruit)

Spiral Visions Spread

Spiraling Visions Spread (8 Cards)- $60

The golden spiral can see seen everywhere in nature from a tiny shell to the cosmos. This spread starts at the center, your core heart space, and spirals outward.

1st Card- Essence/Core (what in your heart is crucial to this essence)

2nd Card- Change (as your vision takes form, it will require a number of changes.  How might you enhance the positive aspects of change?)

3rd Card- Regeneration (challenging and timely, your vision requires your full participation, which can take a lot of energy.  You may feel the need to renew, restore and rejuvenate.  How might you engage this process of rejuvenation?)

4th Card- Change (as you consciously move with this spiral of energy, you will encounter elements that may require you to change course or modify the way you view your progress.  Is there an option you have not yet considered?  Open your awareness to more change.

5th Card- Transformation (how may you be advised at this juncture?  What direction will your transformation take?)

6th Card- Change ( expect change as you flow with the purest form of moving energy.  Learning to understand change is the way of nature.  Do not fear its implications; rather intend to fully feel this movement toward a conclusion.)

7th Card- Harmony (The golden spiral speaks of harmony and accord.  This card represents unity and agreement with divine purpose.)

8th Card- Cosmic Order (As you move beyond the small world you inhabit, ask for affirmation of the divine working in your life, creating cosmic order.)

Submit the Appointment Form below to schedule a reading. You will receive an email for payment. Once payment is received, I will send you your reading. (PayPal is the only accepted payment at this time)

Be sure to include any questions you have.

I will e-mail you your reading within 24-48 hours of payment received and will include a picture of your spread.
