Orgone/Orgonite FAQ

What is Orgone/Orgonite and what does it do?

Orgone devices/Orgonite are known for protecting life from radiation caused by things like wi-fi, microwaves, 5G and more. Shungite has a detoxifying and purifying effect. Shungite and Orgone energy are believed to release healing properties and to block the effects of EMFs (electric and magnetic fields) and radiation released from electronics. The Orgone device can transmute harmful and negative energy into neutral energy. I like to add other crystals to turn that energy into positive energy.

Place an Orgone device with Shungite around your electronic devices, around your home and/or outdoors to possibly minimize the harmful effects of EMFs & electronic radiation.

This is a before and after picture of some plants I purchased from a nursery. As you can see in the before pictures, the plants were frumpy, but after less than 24 hours with my Orgone device, they perked right up and were more vibrant and happy!

What makes your Orgone different from others?

True Orgone devices contain organic and inorganic matter, usually a 50-50 or 60-40 ratio and is a mixture of resin or beeswax and metal with clear quartz inside. The clear quartz is piezoelectric which means it creates electricity from pressure. When the beeswax or resin cures/hardens, the mixture of the metals with clear quartz is compressed allowing it to neutralize harmful EMF’s. I use copper and shaved aluminum for my metals (unless otherwise noted).

I use clear pointed quartz crystals wrapped in copper wire in my Orgone devices. I also always use Shungite.
Shungite comes from a meteorite impact in Russia. It blocks radiation including that from wi-fi, cell phones, microwaves, and such. It is a good stone for protection. I only get my Shungite from 3 suppliers who have been vetted and are known to sell true, authentic Shungite.

Each device is one of a kind as even duplicates will never be 100% the same. I have spent years working on making my Orgone devices functional and beautiful. Each device is made with love and positive energy. I make my resin Orgone devices outside with my bare feet in the earth, while in a meditative state. Many of my customers have stated they can feel the energy when they receive their device.

How do I care for my Orgone devices?

Unless your device is going to stay outdoors all the time, it is recommended to keep the device away from direct heat or sunlight. Heat, humidity & fabric friction may cause the device to appear dull, so it’s recommended to avoid this if possible. If your device becomes dull looking, you can wipe it with a lint-free cloth under cool water and let dry.

It is recommended to cleanse your devices. You can do so by running under cool water. You can also cleanse your device by smudging. Many people have their own personal preferences for cleansing items, so do what you are comfortable with. All devices are cleansed before shipping.
If you have a beeswax device, you can run it under cold water.

Will my Orgone device have an odor to it?

Possibly. I use polyester resin which does have a strong odor but dissipates over time. Usually, by the time the device has cured, there is no odor, however, some people may be sensitive to the resin odor and will notice it.

If the device is made with beeswax it will have a slight honey scent.

You only have 1 item in stock, but I would like more than 1. Will you make more if requested?

Since each item is handmade, I typically only make one at a time. This makes each item I sell truly one of a kind. I may make additional items after one has sold. If you see an item with only one in stock but want to order more than one, please message me to let me know how many additional items you would like. If I can accommodate your order, I will be more than happy to make additional items for you. While I do my best to make each additional item look the same, there will be slight differences.