Viking Oracle Reading

I love using my Viking Oracle Deck! This deck has always been accurate for me and those I have read for. You don’t need to know Viking history or the Elder Futhark to innerstand the answers you receive. Everything will be explained to you.

1 Card Reading

1 Card Reading- $15

A 1 card spread is great for those looking for simple guidance.

3 card spread

3 Card Reading- $30

The cards in this spread represent:

1st Card- The Heart of the Issue

2nd Card- The Challenge

3rd Card- The Solution

Nine Worlds Spread

Nine-Worlds Spread-$65

This spread represents Yggdrasil, cradling the nine worlds inside its roots and branches. Each card represents:

1st Card- What is the higher reason this is happening

2nd Card- What can be learned from this

3rd Card- The heart of the matter

4th Card- Mental action that can be taken to address the matter

5th Card- Physical action that can be taken

6th Card-Emotional action that can be taken

7th Card- The suggested solution

8th Card- Future outcomes in these actions are taken

9th Card- What to release for good to avoid this issue again

Past, Present, and Future Cast $65

This spread gives you information on your past that is influencing the present and shows what the future may hold.

Cards 1-3 represent the past and its influences

Cards 4-6 represent how the present is influenced

Cards 7-9 represent the possible future in relation to these influences

Submit the Appointment Form below to schedule a reading. You will receive an email for payment. Once payment is received, I will send you your reading. (PayPal is the only accepted payment at this time)

Be sure to include your question.

Readings will be sent via e-mail within 24-48 hours of payment received and will include a picture of your spread.
