Schedule a Reading

Most people request tarot readings because they are looking for answers. If you are someone seeking answers, I encourage you to focus on your question and look through the different reading options I offer to see which one resonates most with you.

If a reading via Zoom is available, click the link to schedule, otherwise, fill out the appointment form which will notify me of your reading request. You will receive an e-mail with details about your appointment.

Non-Zoom readings will be sent via e-mail within 48 hours of payment received. You will receive photos of your cards/spread with your reading.

Tarot reading payments will be processed through PayPal.

All Zoom readings require a 24 hour notice for cancellation. If an appointment is missed or the client fails to give 24 hour notice, they will lose their appointment payment and no refunds will be given. No refunds will be given on e-mail readings.

Learn more about the different decks I use and the readings I offer:

Rider Waite & Marigold Tarot

Dragon Oracle

Dreams of Gaia Tarot

Viking Oracle

Animal Spirit Oracle

Sacred Geometry Oracle