Beeswax Orgone Happy Skull with Amazonite & Pyrite


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This beeswax Orgone Happy Skull is made with Amazonite, Pyrite and Shungite with a copper wire wrapped Clear Quartz inside.

Amazonite is known as the “hope” stone, Amazonite is a great crystal for manifestation. It’s known to bring confidence, reduce stress and can bring clarity. It is also known to bring truth into your life (whether you are ready or not).

Pyrite is known as a symbol of wealth and good fortune, it is also called “fools gold” because it was often mistaken for gold, but there is nothing foolish about it. Pyrite is known to bring motivation, divine guidance and can help connect with nature. It is also a good stone for business.

Approximate size: Height 2″, Width- 1.5″, Length- 2″.

Many prefer using beeswax as an alternative to resin for their Orgone devices. Studies have shown beeswax Orgone devices to work just as effectively as traditional Orgonite. There is no resin smell, in fact, the device smells like honey!

This device is made with 100% beeswax used from a local apiary, Jack’s Honey, in Candia, New Hampshire. It has been cleansed and filtered in warm water only.

It is impossible to list beeswax as organic because we can not control where bees fly and if they land on flowers treated by pesticides. However, the farm I purchase my beeswax from does not use pesticides.

All devices are handmade with love and positive energy!

Because devices are handmade, no device will look exactly alike.

*If you enjoy beeswax products, I ask you please look into ways you can help save our bees. One easy way is to avoid using pesticides on your plants, flowers and weeds (try organic/natural methods). By avoiding pesticides, you are saving a bees life. Bees can land on flowers that have been sprayed by pesticides (the spray can leave a residue on the plant), the bee picks up the pollen, brings it to their hive and poisons their little bee family. This can cause colony collapse. Bees are vital to our earth, please help save them!

By law I am required to state this item is for entertainment purposes only. I do not make any medical claims and this item is not intended to prevent, cure, or treat any medical condition or disease and has no guarantees.

Additional information

Weight 10 oz
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 5 in


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